Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Are we Late to the Real Estate PARTY?

For any of you that use you may have seen a graph like this before. This one is from my Mom's house up in Portland. She is considering selling after 10 happy years there, but I though the best thing about this graph is it illustrates Real Estate is the US, Oregon and Portland and Specificly her house.

Before I tell you which line is which ask yourself if your home has experienced the same thing. The Dark BLUE line is here home. Since Jan 03 see has seen great gains. The light BLUE is Portland specificly her zip code in Garden Home and SW Portland, right by Washington Square. The GREEN line is Oregon as a state average.

So what about the Yellow Line? You may have guessed the USA. Look carefully at what this line does. It peaks and valleys and then peaks again. We are late to the party. Always have been always will be. The good thing however is we can use this to our advantage. If we look at what is going on in the US we now what to expect in the coming months.

Buyers it is time to buy. If not this month then next month. Sellers stop think about the past and start looking to the future. Your equity was never really cash in your hand don't expect it to be.

I encourage you to try this on your own. Go to type it your address. I hope you see good things.