Thursday, March 6, 2008

Busy in a Bad Market?

I have not had time to post for a while as I have been very busy. It is true buyer and sellers are still out there looking to buy and sell. Even with all the Negative Press about how bad the market it people still need housing. There is always going to be people moving, downsizing, upgrading, tranferring or just changing scenery.

I have had the pleasure of working with some great clients. Dwayne and Julie Hilty bought a great home in West Salem with the dream of entertaining friends and family and also serving the need of West Salem's Edgewater District by planting a church called Soma. There home is the temporary meeting place for Soma and serves as a hub for their connection to this community. The home was sold by owner and I represented the Hilty's and enjoyed it.

Selling 7 homes as FSBOs that is FOR SALE BY OWNER, I have learned a great deal. I understand the need for some seller's to sell themselves to save the commission but in this situation I felt bad for the sellers. At the closing table the Ecrow officer presented the sellers with a settlement statement showing there credits and debits and most importantly their bottom line. Upon review they came accross the words I cringe at "Pre-Payment Penalty". The saw a $3000 penalty for not waiting two years. I think if they had an agent they would have know about that penalty and saved a lot of work and money.

Brian and Julie Mohr transferred from Denver and were looking a unique home to remodeled. Julie is very experienced and sounds like she has a good grasp of every facuet of home remodel and repair. They found a very nice home in the a Historic District off Center street. Not first timers but were able to sell their home is Denver and walk away with a healthy amount they saw took a hit on their home there but new it was time to sell.

Tyler Everson a first time home buyer found a great new home in West Salem with all the ammenties of new construction. Seeing a good price for the builder he was able to get 3% off the price for closing costs. Something that is not often seen in new construction but now a reality in this market. Funny story though was I called him a couple of weeks after closing to ask how the house was. He told me he had been freezing in the master bedroom at night. The builder came over and looked at all the vents to make sure they were connected. The found an 11 degree difference from the rest of the house. They could not figure it out until they went up in the attic and notice the insulation was not blown in over the master bedroom. Tyler is sleeping comfortably now. It just shows the importance of an inspection which Tyler had, but the inspector missed and the importance of insulation.

Alex and Cassie Rugh also first timers bought a new home is Albany. A large single story with a great price. After closing they had not moved in for a week and I found out that Alex did not want to move in until the Curtains went up. I remember that from my house. One of our neighbors came over and said you guys need for kitchen blinds.

Is the market as bad as they portray?